Groovy was a successor of Java; Kotlin is a successor of Groovy. Kotlin has gradually become the official language for Android Application Development. It erases the shortcomings of Groovy but later is still very popular among programmers due to support for static and dynamic typing; concise, brief, direct syntax; relatively short learning curve, support for unit testing, native support for regular expressions, the native syntax for lists and associative arrays, native support for markup languages like XML and HTML and support for domain-specific languages. But we have Kotlin that empowers everyday applications and is 100% compatible with Java frameworks. Java programmers can easily adopt Kotlin. We intend to illustrate the major points of differences for Kotlin vs. Groovy here; let's find out!
Kotlin vs Groovy: The Best for Android App Development
Groovy was a successor of Java; Kotlin is a successor of Groovy. Kotlin has gradually become the official language for Android Application Development. It erases the shortcomings of Groovy but later is still very popular among programmers due to support for static and dynamic typing; concise, brief, direct syntax; relatively short learning curve, support for unit testing, native support for regular expressions, the native syntax for lists and associative arrays, native support for markup languages like XML and HTML and support for domain-specific languages. But we have Kotlin that empowers everyday applications and is 100% compatible with Java frameworks. Java programmers can easily adopt Kotlin. We intend to illustrate the major points of differences for Kotlin vs. Groovy here; let's find out!